Szeged - HUNGARY
Hybrid Congress
September 02-04, 2025
IX. International Congress on Domestic Animal Breeding, Genetics and Husbandry
Animal Nutrition, Aquaculture, Apiculture and Veterinary Science
International Animal Breeding and Genomic Selection Workshop - 2013
Samsun, Turkey - July 03 - 05, 2013
The International Animal Breeding and Genomic Selection Workshop - 2013 (IABGES-13) is organized by the Agricultural Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun. IABGES-2013 is the first international event of meeting series with the participation of very popular invited speakers Prof. Dr. Dorian J. Garrick and Prof. Dr. Rohan L. Fernando (Iowa State University). This event has provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations on animal breeding and genomic selection.
The selection process for genomic breeding in farm animals is called Genomic Selection. Although the idea of using DNA markers to increase genetic progression in farm animals has long existed, this method has become a part of animal breeding together with developing technology. The fact that characters with economic significance are determined by a large number of genes makes animal breeding a complex science.
In this workshop, a brief summary of the basic concepts and topics related to genomic selection will be presented, pedigree relations and traditional estimation methods, the effects of single nucleotide polymorphism, the genomic prediction from Bayesian model, imputation, theoretical approaches will be examined and the applications of genomic prediction models on real data will be shown. It is thought that this workshop will be useful for the scientific community working or interested in animal breeding.
The organizing committee is seriously planning and is already working towards enabling Turkish and international animal science scientific community to meet the challenges and to move safely and successfully into the advanced information era. To this end, IABGES-13 has been focused on animal breeding and genomic selection.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan ÖNDER,
Invited Speakers

Prof. Dr. Dorian GARRICK
Dr. Dorian GARRICK has a bachelor of Agricultural Science with First Class Honors from Massey University, New Zealand. He has got a degree doctorate in philosophy from Cornell University. He was appointed as a Full Professor at Massey University at age 34. Dr. Dorian Garrick had held the Lush Endowed Chair in Animal Breeding & Genetics at Iowa State for ten years. He works as Chief Scientist at Massey University School of Agriculture and Environment. Dr. Garrick has been integrally involved in the research, development, and implementation of various genetic improvement programs in livestock and plants. That work has extended to Africa, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. He has about 10.000 citations.
Prof. Dr. Rohan L. FERNANDO
Dr. Rohan FERNANDO has got Bachelor of Science from California University. He has got a degree doctor of philosophy from Illinois University. He is an expert in animal breeding and genetics. Fernando and colleagues were the first to demonstrate how BLUP could be used for marker-assisted selection. Their theory also provides the basis for the variance component method to map QTL and combine linkage and linkage disequilibrium information for genomic selection. Dr. Fernando has contributed theory and practice to solving several complex genetic problems. He has over 10.000 citations.
Organizing Comitee
Assoc. Prof. Hasan ÖNDER
Res. Asist. Uğur ŞEN
Executive Comitee
Prof. Dr. Musa SARICA
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KURAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Levent MERCAN
Res. Asist. Umut Sami YAMAK
Res. Asist. Samet H. ABACI
Arzu ARI
Müslüme MEMİS
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